Last month, Quality Credit Repair, represented by CEO Pedro Tiexiera, made an appearance on local radio show Real Estate Today, which seeks to help prospective home buyers and sellers learn more about the real estate market…a large part of which involves learning to navigate the world of mortgages, credit scores and other forms of personal finance.
We went on the show to teach listeners the basics about repairing their credit scores and, more generally, manage their finances to maintain healthy credit in the future and choose the right credit repair company. For those who didn’t get a chance to listen to the live session or podcast, here’s a basic rundown of the advice we gave in our interview with Paul Rosso, along with how Quality Credit Repair can help give consumers a second chance at restoring their credit.
Credit scores have several major factors – payment history (35%), amount owed (30%), length of credit history (10%), and type of credit used (10%). Manipulate the score by spending only 20-25% of the credit available and paying it off quickly.
Why is having a credit score important? How do credit scores impact your life? Credit scores affect everything: down payment on many things aside from the obvious, major purchases – cell phones, utility bills and other small purchases may be influenced by your credit score as well. On top of lending and services, your credit is also used in nearly every other decision made in your life – employment, insurance, and others. Every credit inquiry for these and other services deducts between 3-5 points from your credit score, which impacts the score for two years.
What are the benefits of working with a credit repair company? Credit can be overwhelming – not only is it difficult to figure out on your own, but will require immense amounts of time if you endeavor to do so. This time can be valuable spent otherwise, and when it comes to preparing credit to make a big purchase, time is of the essence; you want “the best results, in the shortest period of time.”
Why does the credit repair industry have a bad reputation? Some companies prey on those who are in desperate financial situations, and deliberately seek out and overcharge those who are unable to live normally because of a poor credit score, from job promotions and employment opportunities to major loans they need to advance in life.
How should consumers choose a credit repair company? Never pay monthly – always choose a credit repair company that you will pay for a set amount of time, with a start date and an end date. Always ensure that the company provides you with tangible expectations, as well – what you should be looking at to determine the level of success. Finally, never settle for a credit repair company who will simply run off with your information, with promises to improve the score; look for consumer education on how to avoid credit damage in the future, as well as develop an understanding of how the credit rating system works.
Interested in hearing more? Check out the full audio show here, or give us a call to learn more about what we can do to get you on the road to a healthier credit score and greater financial security.