With the holiday season right around the corner, it’s important to know the “dos and don’ts” of holiday shopping. We all want to get the best bang for our buck come gift-giving time, but sacrificing your financial well-being for Black Friday deals and other holiday spending opportunities, even if the discounts seem incredible, can set you and your family back.
Preparing for this shopping season is extremely important. In order to take advantage of so-called
“Holiday Specials,” you must first prepare your credit – and QualityCreditRepair.com is here to help. We offer the best in professional credit services along with a free, no-obligation consultation – you can’t go wrong! Taking advantage of this free consultation will help open your eyes as to what to look out for when you’re doing your holiday shopping.
Many people believe they understand how to shop wisely, but then take chances and don’t realize the credit danger they’re putting themselves into. It’s extremely common for un-savvy shoppers to make mistakes that will ultimately affect their ability to make a big purchase, such as a car or home, for the next 6-12 months. Yes, that’s right – bad shopping habits now, such as not recognizing the signs of risky credit use and not taking advantage of QualityCreditRepair.com’s free consultation, will hurt you for the next 6-12 months.
Don’t let history repeat itself – this year be smart and rely on the highly trained staff at QualityCreditRepair.com to prepare you for the rest of your life. To help you better understand some of the most common holiday spending pitfalls, our Credit Experts have put together a list of the biggest credit mistakes made around the holiday season.
Spending beyond your means. Just because those appliances, toys and clothes are deeply discounted, does not mean they won’t add up – often to far beyond what a cardholder would normally spend. Don’t use the holidays as an excuse to fall victim to the #1 cause of bad credit: spending more than you can afford.
Paying high interest. If you absolutely must spend in a manner that ends in you carrying a balance on a credit card for a few months (which we can’t recommend strongly enough that you avoid), plan it in advance – find a card with the lowest possible interest rate. Research to find out if a card with a 0% APR is available to you, and request a lowering of your interest rate if you’ve paid your bills on time for six months or more.
Not opening the right rewards credit card. A rewards card can be a great way to partially fund holiday trips (through credit given for gas purchases), lower costs at select stores, or simply provide cash back. That said, consider carefully your needs and likely activities/expenses when choosing a rewards card, and always read the fine print. For most people, cash back is usually the best choice.
To dig deeper into wise holiday spending habits and receive thorough, personalized advice from credit pros, give QualityCreditRepair.com a call toll-free at 888-399-3898 or fill out a free consultation request today to benefit from the services of the nation’s best credit report site!