Does your credit need a check-up? If you haven’t been monitoring your credit report this year, you may have trouble getting the loans you need to go back to school in the fall or pick up that new car you need for your family. Luckily, Quality Credit Repair is here to help! Our team uses five quick and easy steps to help improve your credit score and credit reports.
- Finding the errors. More Americans have errors on their credit report than you might think! According to a report from CNBC, an estimated one in five Americans has an error on his or her credit report, many of which can lead to an unfairly low credit score. Quality Credit Repair will pull your credit reports in Philadelphia and identify any mistakes that might be hurting your score.
- Acting to correct errors. Finding errors isn’t enough to improve your score; you must also act and ensure they’re cleared up. Quality Credit Repair will contact credit issuers and credit bureaus and give them a 30-day deadline to correct errors that are affecting your score.
- Improving behavior. Your credit score is primarily determined by your actions—how often you open new lines of credit, how often you are paying your bills on time, etc. Quality Credit Repair can help you create improvement and payment installation plans that will gradually help you work your way out of debt and build a better credit score.
- Following up on reported errors. Quality Credit Repair can give you an update every 30 or 60 days on the status of your reported errors and how your credit score was affected. Think of it like a report card for your rising credit score!
- Monitoring your credit for years to come. Quality Credit Repair can help set you up with a credit monitoring service that will help you track changes and errors in your credit profile for years to come—setting you up for long-term success.
Looking for more credit tips in Montgomery County? Pay Quality Credit Repair a visit online at, or give us a call at 888-399-3898 to get started on the path to a better credit profile today!